My name is Gregory Bufithis. In brief, I am a digital media/telecom attorney, journalist, writer, and media producer.
Much of my legal work started in the fashion and digital media industries, so I became a bit of a freelance law and technology tart … juggling information technology, journalism, law, and digital publishing. It led to film production and in-depth pieces for my clients and just grew from there.
I read a lot. But I can’t read it all. Damn! And I love the sea and spend as much time in and near it as I can.
The boring bits? I received my law degree from the John Marshall School of Law in the U.S., and I also hold dual Bachelor of Arts/Science degrees from Hartwick College (also in the U.S.) in Economics and Physics, plus a Licence en langues et civilizations étrangères (first degree) from the Universitè de Paris Sorbonne.
For the last 30+ years, using a base of companies I built under two banners:
* The Project Counsel Group which looks at the trends and technologies that have accelerated the convergence of several discrete yet mutually inclusive, overlapping domains: cybersecurity, digital/mobile media, eDiscovery/information governance, and software development. That schedule provides us perspective and a holistic tech education. It also affords me the opportunity to build a network of technology contacts across diverse fields which I share with my client base. It also provides fodder for my many blog posts.
* Luminative Media which attends an esoteric collection of events and conferences related to the topics covered by The Project Counsel Group and produces video each event.
It is also the vehicle I use to produce my series on the Holocaust, genocide and the Ukraine War. You can view all of this material by accessing my YouTube site by clicking here.
And lastly, I am also the founder of a charitable organization in memory of my mother, called The Vellios Foundation. We accept no donations. I fund it from my own resources.
Ideas, complaints, suggestions? Please email me at [email protected]