On the way to the International Cybersecurity Forum 2022: an interview with communication pro Christelle Klein of HLCOM

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Christelle Klein, owner, HLCOM

30 May 2022 – Corporate communications management sounds simple: systematic planning, implementing, and monitoring of all the channels of communication for and about a company. Managing the flow of information, especially online communication.

But mastering the communication techniques of today in a rapidly evolving media landscape, especially in areas like forensic analysis and cybersecurity where there are thousands of competitors, means hiring a highly experienced and creative team so you can cut yourself away from the pack.

As I have noted before, people are talking about the growing strength of France’s tech industry. It is on the cusp of becoming a cybersecurity power. So it is not surprising that one of the true “pros” in mastering those communication techniques can be found in Paris – Christelle Klein, owner of HLCOM. I have known Christelle for a number of years. She has worked with some of the biggest names in forensics and cybersecurity:  Barracuda, ClearSkye, ESET, Lookout, Mandiant, PingIdentity, Sailpoint, Vector AI, among others. The firm is 25 years old and has clients world-wide.

In this video interview which we filmed at the HLCOM offices in Paris, France, Christelle talks about the cyber security industry and high tech in general, her extensive background, and the art of communication and public relations for companies, and the upcoming cybersecurity forum in Lille, France:


Christelle will be at the International Cybersecurity Forum in Lille, France. To arrange a meeting with her for more information on how HLCOM can assist your company in marketing and press relations contact her at:

[email protected]

+33 1 48 56 11 94




07 – 09 Jun 2022

Lille Grand Palais

Lille, France


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